Tuesday, May 12, 2009

#23 Congratulations!

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
Personally I thikn learning about del.ico.us. was the most helpful tool for me personally. I have tried out all the sites, resources and tools in this course. Many of them I will use. Delicous, however, is a tool that I immediatlly integrated into tools that I use frequently. have a large number of links that i can access quite easily and the list of sites continues to grow.

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
As far as lifelong goals I think this course gave me new tools in which to examine our world, not only as a librarian, but also through the eyes of patrons. How will they use these tools?

Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I was suprised at the number of tools covered in the course that I was already familair with. In many case my understanding of them was deepened through the course.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

If we offered another program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
I would most certainly be very interested in knowing of any suich program and believe that I would most likely particpate

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